Join us in prayer each morning Mon-Fri from 6:00am - 6:30am. DIAL IN: (469) 480-5416 ACCESS CODE: 723 145 731#
Priest Lake Community Baptist Church is a place where people can meet Jesus,  engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts and use them for God's glory.

What are LIFE groups?

We are designed and commanded by God to love one another in the fellowship community of God.
Our Connect Life Groups are spaces where people can intentionally share their lives and their journey with others. The Connect Life Groups position us to grow spiritually together and encourage one another through the ups and downs, bad breaks and setbacks of life while helping one another to reach our destiny as overcomes in Christ.

What To Expect

Our Sunday Service

Our Sunday service begins at 11:00 am. We meet in our sanctuary where we sing songs of praise, pray corporately, spend time greeting one another, and receiving the word of God from the Holy Bible. We welcome visitors to mingle after the service for fellowship and meeting new people.

What about my children?

Children are welcome and encouraged to stay with you during service. We also offer Kingdom School Children's Church for ages 5 through 10, where children can receive the Word of God on their level.

Will I be asked to give an offering?

The Tithes and Offerings portion of our worship service gives members and guests alike an opportunity to participate in giving. As a guest you are welcome, but not required to give an offering.

If I need prayer, will Priest Lake Church pray for me?

Priest Lake Community Baptist Church is a praying church. At the close of each service, we will extend an invitation to those in attendance to join our church or receive prayer. Those who come for prayer are assigned with a prayer partner, who will pray privately with you.